Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Growing Your Collection of Resources

I hope these resources will be of great benefit to you in the Early Childhood Field. 
Listed below are resources from this week’s Course Resources, in addition to, the first three listed being additional ones that I thought would relate to the early childhood field.

Additional Resources:

  • Early Childhood Development Education Programs

  • Archived: Early Childhood Education

Part 1: Position Statements and Influential Practices
Part 2: Global Support for Children’s Rights and Well-Being
Note: Explore the resources in Parts 3 and 4 in preparation for this week’s Application assignment.
Part 3: Selected Early Childhood Organizations
Part 4: Selected Professional Journals Available in the Walden Library
Tip: Use the A-to-Z e-journal list to search for specific journal titles. (Go to “How Do I...?”, select “Tips for Specific Formats and Resources,” and then “e-journals” to find this search interface.) 
  • YC Young Children
  • Childhood
  • Journal of Child & Family Studies
  • Child Study Journal
  • Multicultural Education
  • Early Childhood Education Journal
  • Journal of Early Childhood Research
  • International Journal of Early Childhood
  • Early Childhood Research Quarterly
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Social Studies
  • Maternal & Child Health Journal
  • International Journal of Early Years Education

Friday, March 25, 2011

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

The two people I identified in my discussion were William J. Clinton and Lilian Katz, Ph.D.

Quotes or excerpts from writing or speeches of William J. Clinton:

"We cannot build our own future without helping others to build theirs."

"Success is not the measure of a man but a triumph over those who choose to hold him back."

Quotes or excepts from writing or speeches of Lilian Katz, Ph.D.:

"Of course children benefit from positive feedback.  But praise and rewards are not the only methods of reinforcement.  More emphasis should be placed on appreciation - reinforcement related explicitly and directly to the content of the child's interest and efforts."

"Experts generally agree that taking all opportunities to read books and other material aloud to children is the best preparation for their learning to read.  The pleasure of being read to are far more likely to strengthen a child's desire to learn to read than are repetitions of sounds, alphabet drills, and deciphering uninteresting words."

Quote from Week 2 video segment:

"We as professionals in the early childhood field have an opportunity to shape a child's life for the better."
                                                   Sandy Escobido

Additional quotes and excerpts I find inspiring:

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply.  Willing is not enough; we must do."
                                            Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."
                            Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Who dares to teach must never cease to learn."
                       John Cotton Dana

"What we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child."
                                                      George Bernard Shaw

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Personal Childhood Web

 Sister- Connie         Sister - Shelia

 Connie, Keith, Allison

                                                               My Bigma - Johnnie Belle
  My mother - Ammer                                                                                                  Me - Allison

Personal Childhood Web

My mother was my rock.  She encouraged me to always do my best.  She believed in me and supported the decisions that I made.  She guided me in the right directions.  My mother was an inspiring person.  She wanted all of her children to get an education and be successful.  She motivated me and would not let me give up.  My mother taught me to be strong and independent.  There was nothing my mother would not do for me and my siblings.  I am the youngest and my mother would still say I was her baby although I am all grown up; that never changed.

My Bigma- She was a support mechanism for the entire family.  She gave me so much love and believed in me.  I honestly don't think I could do any wrong in her eyesight.  I could talk about most anything with my grandmother and she would listen.  She was a great listener.  She gave the best advice on life.  My grandmother was a kind and caring individual.  She taught the family to be good people.

Connie, my oldest sister.  We have a big sister, little sister bond.  She has always encouraged me to pursue my dreams.  She helped in guiding me in my childhood years as well.  My sister shows me love and concern in the decisions I make still today.

Keith, my brother is the second oldest.  He really loves his little sister.  He is always there for me, even today.  We all get together and support each other in whatever is going at the time. 

Shelia, my sister that is next to me.  Shelia always reminds me to have faith and to think positive.  She has that big sister love for me too.  She wants to be my protector, even today.  She is very supportive and willing to help at all times.  

My family influence continues to impact me in that I am a kind-hearted person.  I believe that I can achieve whatever goals I set out to accomplish.  I believe in myself.  I love people and I enjoy helping others.  The influence that my family have given me is positive and I try to influence my child with that same passion.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Favorite Title and Quote

I've always been a firm believer that we all have the ability to learn and achieve whatever goals we desire.  I honestly think that  if you do your best then success will follow.  Sometimes we have make an extra effort but it can be done.  This leads me to my favorite children's book title:  The Little Engine That Could.  It teaches you to have faith and believe in yourself.  We all need encouragement at times and that's what I love about this book.  It teaches children to remove all doubt and to think positively.  Beleve in yourself.

My favorite quote is:  "You cannot teach people anything.  You can only help them to discover."

Monday, March 7, 2011

My Love for Educating the Little Ones

My very first job was working at an elementary school and after being around the little ones I yearned of becoming an educator one day.  I have one child, well, maybe I should say that I have a grown up because she is twenty-seven years old.  I am currently working as a behavioral counselor at a prison facility.  However, my true interest is in helping to develop the minds of our children.  I want to equip them with the educational tools necessary for learning.  I do not have any actual classroom experience; however, I have done classroom observations for fieldwork.  I really look forward to learning and becoming a terrific teacher one day.