The three codes of ethics that are meaningful to me are:
DEC: Responsive Family Centered Practices –1. We shall demonstrate our respect and concern for children, families, colleagues, and others with whom we work, honoring their beliefs, values, customs, language, and culture.
DEC: Ethical and Evidence Based Practices –2. We shall use every resource, including referral when appropriate, to ensure high quality services are accessible and are provided to children and families.
NAEYC: Ethical Responsibilities to Children – I-1.1 To be familiar with the knowledge base of early childhood care and education and to stay informed through continuing education and training.
These codes of ethics are significant to my professional life in early childhood because we as educators have a responsibility to the children and their families. We are to be professionals, knowledgeable, caring, cooperative, influential, and nurturing to the needs of the children and their families. We are to respect their family values, traditions, cultures, and beliefs.
The parents should look to me to provide them with guidance and understanding of how the programs operate. I will collaborate with the family on a regular bases. I will use all available resource to ensure that the children are provided with the highest quality of service and stay up-to-date on new information. I will be an advocate on their behalf and the children. Every child and family is equally important and should be treated as such; therefore, I will not overlook anyone because of their background. I will conduct myself as the professional I am at all times.