Saturday, May 14, 2011

Child Development and Public Health

Access to healthy water is meaningful to me in that the human body is estimated to be made up of 60 to 70 percent water.  The body needs water as a survival mechanism.  Water helps in regulating body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to flow to all your organs.  Water delivers oxygen to your cells, moves waste, and protects your joints and organs.  Water is the body only way to flush bad toxins out of your body and the purer the water is to begin with, the better it works to collect and cleanse harmful toxins from the body.  Healthy water helps children ‘s resistance grow stronger and perform better; providing them the protection they need during those fragile developing years.  Unhealthy water has been linked to increased risk of diseases and learning disorders in later years.

I chose to research access to healthy water supply in Haiti.  Haiti has a water problem and most water sources there are contaminated.  The people there are very poor and most often have no other choice but to drink contaminated water.  Clean water for Haiti is a faith based, volunteer run, non-profit mission.  Their purpose is to provide the people of Haiti with affordable access to clean water in their homes through the use of Biosand water filters.  However, Biosand water filters are inexpensive, simple, and effective.  But the people of Haiti much make a decision based on what is best for their family.  The family must purchase the Biosand filter if they want it.  The receivers pay only a small fee for their filter and the money made is used in helping to make more filters and to help more families have access to clean, healthy water in their homes.

As an impact in my future work, I would love to be a volunteer in helping the people of Haiti to have access to healthy water.  Right now I think it would be possible by making contributions to organizations that would aid in clean water for the people there.  I would also try to convince others to help in contributing, so that the children’s immune and detoxification systems are able to develop better.


  1. Allison,
    How sad. Food and water are among our basic needs for survival. Volunteering in Haiti would be a wonderful opportunity. Helping to install biosand water filter systems would be such a huge contribution for the people of Haiti, especially childen!

  2. Hi Allison,

    Thank you for the name of the organization which helps in Haiti. Even though I would love my family to go on a mission trip one day to help another country, making a monetary donation is an option I could do now. I just continue to be inspired by reading the posts from our class members at how caring everyone is about the larger picture of families in our world. Thanks for your post.

  3. Allison,

    We sometimes don’t realize how blessed we are until we start researching and reading about other countries. We all must have water to live and yet we rarely take time to appreciate it. I do agree that we need to help other countries in some kind of way, if it is by visiting to assist or providing monetary contributions. Good post Allison.
    Thank you!

  4. Allison,
    What an interesting post about Haiti. Clean water is something that we so often take for granted in the United States. Growing up, we never had to worry about where we could get non-contaminated water because even the sprinklers and hoses you were playing in as a child were clean water that while we wouldn't normally drink them, we did and they were definitely not contaminated. Even one person can make a huge difference in the lives of so many people by volunteer work. I'd be interested to see the individual effects that contaminated water has on the development of children. What do you think?
