Saturday, January 21, 2012

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

Here are the responses that I was given in regards to the definition of culture and diversity from family members and a colleague.

Shelia’s response: 

Culture is how you dress, the type of foods you eat, your values and beliefs.

Diversity is when two or more people have different beliefs and values.  Also, they don’t really believe in the other person’s beliefs.  Each group accepts their values and beliefs as being the right one.

Jeannette’s response:

Culture is what you are born into, the history of your family, the way you’re raised, and your environment.  Culture is things that are passed down from one generation to another generation.

Diversity is a mixture of things and people.

Caleb’s response:

Culture is different ethnic groups, their beliefs, customs, and how they apply it to society.

Diversity means different.

Some aspects of culture and diversity that studied in this course that were included in the answers received were: Culture examples-values, beliefs, customs, way you’re raised, what’re you’re born into, family history, society, and how you dress.
Diversity examples included are- different groups of people, different beliefs and values.

Some aspects that have been omitted are: religion, race, economic status, and language.

After listening to what other define culture and diversity to mean to them, it has influence me to understand that we all have very similar ideas about what it is; however, each person was like wow! I never gave much thought to it about myself but here is what I believe it means.  The topics of culture and diversity has help me to realize that this something that we each identify with.  We think of others as having a cultural group or being diverse, but in reality we all have a culture and we are a diverse group of people.


Derman-Sparks, L. & Edwards, J. O. (2010). Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves.
     Washington, DC


  1. I think that Sheila's definition of culture, which applies to surface culture, is the way that many people think of culture. Those easily perceivable qualities are considered to be culture by many. Jeanette's definition of culture, which, as we know is actually heritage is also typical of what people who are not immersed in the language and issues surrounding culture and diversity believe. What a great activity this was!

  2. Hello Allison,

    I thought that you got very concise responses and like Careyann said surface culture. I am really enjoying what everyone got for this assignment. It is a great activity to learn more about how people perceive culture and diversity.

  3. The individuals you interviewed all had great responses and are parallel with the materials we have been reading over the past couple weeks.

    Great blog post!

  4. Allison,
    I enjoyed reading your post. I would always say that culture is what ever people make it to be. Everybody has there own definition.
    Great post!

  5. Allison,
    I got the same response when I polled my people; they were like, "WOW" also:) The responses seemed to be pretty consistent, but I would be interested in knowing the age group of the people that responded. I wonder if age differences influence how people view the definition of culture and diversity. Youth today seem to have such different views about things today--it would be fascinating to see just how similar their answers would be compared to someone in their fifties or sixties.

    I enjoyed reading your post:)
