Saturday, August 6, 2011

My Supports

Supportive factors in my daily environment:

Television News:  I watch the news daily to keep me informed on what’s going on around my community and me.  The news also keeps me informed on what going on in the world, so that I’m not left out in the dark.

Church:  I am a Christian so the church provides me with religious support that I need to be grounded.  My Christian beliefs keep me focus; I try to live right and treat people right.

Family and Friends:  I get emotional support from my family and friends.  If I have a crisis, they are there to listen to me and give me advice.  They are also there just for social communication.  It gives me comfort and peace knowing that I have people around me that love me.

Medical Services:  If I am not feeling well and think I need medical attention there are medical facilities in my community that is of service.  Just this week I was sick with a sinus infection, I went there and got the medical treatment needed.

Life would be difficult if I didn’t have a mean of knowing what’s going on in my community and the world.  Anytime of the day I can turn my television on to find out what’s going on.  Without my faith and trust in my church and God, I believe my soul would be lost.  My family and friends are everything to me and without their love I just can’t imagine what life would be like.  And lastly, it would be frightening to know that there were no medical services in my community to go to in time of sickness.  All of the these factors are of high quality in my life and without them the impact would be challenging in more way than I can imagine.


  1. Allison,
    I agree God is our strength and support. He is there for us in the good and the bad. Sometimes when things are good we forget to give Him the gloryy

  2. I agree with you also God is our source and strength. I feel the same way where would I be if it wasn't for the grace of God. The privilege of having a great pastor and first lady and a supportive church family and friends has really helped me to continue to move forward no matter what situation may occur. We can have and do all things through He that strengthens us. Enjoyed your post.

  3. Allison, I liked the way that you described various supports including medical services. We have to keep that in mind when evaluating children as well. Physical and health and then everything else. Hope you are feeling better. Sinus infections are NO FUN!

  4. Hi Allison and thank you for sharing your daily supports with us. I agree with you that having faith in a higher power is immensly important when dealing with the daily grind. Friends and family are also an essential support to me as I evolve! Thanks again!
