Monday, March 7, 2011

My Love for Educating the Little Ones

My very first job was working at an elementary school and after being around the little ones I yearned of becoming an educator one day.  I have one child, well, maybe I should say that I have a grown up because she is twenty-seven years old.  I am currently working as a behavioral counselor at a prison facility.  However, my true interest is in helping to develop the minds of our children.  I want to equip them with the educational tools necessary for learning.  I do not have any actual classroom experience; however, I have done classroom observations for fieldwork.  I really look forward to learning and becoming a terrific teacher one day.


  1. Allison,

    Wonderful and passionate beginning to your Blogging experience. I am certain your goals for this degree will be achieved.

  2. Allison,

    You know what I thought instantly after reading your blog is that you are talking with members of our society who have done something wrong, which is commendable, and now you want to start at the root! You have the ability to help children learn and cope now so that maybe they won't end up in prison! As funny as that sounds, I didn't mean for it to be a joke but rather an enlightment to you because I feel you've seen both sides of the spectrum.

  3. I think your background in behavioral counseling will be a great asset in the early childhood field! Teachers are helpers and you clearly fit the mold to be a teacher as you are helping people in a restrictive setting. When I was fresh out of college and was looking for a job I almost took a teaching position at a juvenile facility near my hometown. I'd love to pick your brain with questions I have about the atmosphere.

  4. Hi Allison,
    I agree, great start to your blog and I enjoyed learning about what you currently do for work. All the time I see parents being sent to jail and prison for various things and it is hard to know what to say to the little ones when this happends. Do you think you will take what you are learning in these courses and apply them to the inmates you work with who have kids??
