Saturday, March 19, 2011

Personal Childhood Web

My mother was my rock.  She encouraged me to always do my best.  She believed in me and supported the decisions that I made.  She guided me in the right directions.  My mother was an inspiring person.  She wanted all of her children to get an education and be successful.  She motivated me and would not let me give up.  My mother taught me to be strong and independent.  There was nothing my mother would not do for me and my siblings.  I am the youngest and my mother would still say I was her baby although I am all grown up; that never changed.

My Bigma- She was a support mechanism for the entire family.  She gave me so much love and believed in me.  I honestly don't think I could do any wrong in her eyesight.  I could talk about most anything with my grandmother and she would listen.  She was a great listener.  She gave the best advice on life.  My grandmother was a kind and caring individual.  She taught the family to be good people.

Connie, my oldest sister.  We have a big sister, little sister bond.  She has always encouraged me to pursue my dreams.  She helped in guiding me in my childhood years as well.  My sister shows me love and concern in the decisions I make still today.

Keith, my brother is the second oldest.  He really loves his little sister.  He is always there for me, even today.  We all get together and support each other in whatever is going at the time. 

Shelia, my sister that is next to me.  Shelia always reminds me to have faith and to think positive.  She has that big sister love for me too.  She wants to be my protector, even today.  She is very supportive and willing to help at all times.  

My family influence continues to impact me in that I am a kind-hearted person.  I believe that I can achieve whatever goals I set out to accomplish.  I believe in myself.  I love people and I enjoy helping others.  The influence that my family have given me is positive and I try to influence my child with that same passion.


  1. One can feel the love and joy you have had in your life just from reading your personal childhood web. When I read about your mother, it makes me visualize a beautiful woman with a smile across her face and her arms outstretched to hold all her babies. You have been blessed in many ways to have had so many love and nuture you and impact the woman you are today.

  2. Allison, you are truly blessed to have such a wonderful and close knit family. My Great-Grandma was the rock of my family just like your Big Ma. Its so funny that you said you could never do any wrong in your grandmother's eyes;because I'll never forget the time my twin and I colored the entire outside of our Grandma's house and the living room wall. My mamma and daddy wanted to tear us up, but our Grandma looked at them and said "Yall better not touch my babies. Its my house and they can write on it and in it if they want to". Grandmothers are truly the BEST!!!!

  3. Allison,

    Your family really cares about you and each other. Just the way you write about your siblings makes me wish I had some (that grew up with me). Your mother is a wonderful woman, thank you for sharing all about them!

  4. Allison,
    It appears that you have a very supportive family circle. It seems like your mother has given you an enormous amount of support and encouragement which led you in the right direction. It's wonderful that your family was able to teach you about your kind hearted mentality that you have grown to become. I'm so impressed with your attitude and strength. Thanks for sharing!
