Saturday, March 3, 2012

What is Communication?

My supervisor demonstrates competent communication very well.  He is very articulate in his speech.  He makes sure you understand what he is saying at all times.  He allows you the opportunity to speak what is on your mind without being judgmental.  He has a way of making you feel that you are a valued employee and that you are missed if you're not there.

I would like to model some of his communication behaviors because he knows how to relate to you on an individual level with respect.  There are so many different personalities on my job because there is a large range of people and getting to know your employees would be just as a teacher getting to know her students and their families.  I hope to be a great communicator with my students and their families where they feel valued and respected.  I want them to know that I hear them just as well as they hear me; that will be the start of our relationship, learning how to communicate with each other effectively.  "Communication behavior is appropriate when it meets the demands of the situation, as well as the expectations of one's specific communication partner and any other people present" (O'Hair & Wiemann, 2009, p. 18).


O'Hair, D. & Wiemann, M. (2009). Real Communication: An Introduction. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's


  1. Hi Alison,
    It is so incredibly important to have a supervisor that you can emulate and that displays qualities which make your work worth doing. These types of supervisors are difficult to come by in our field I am finding. Would you agree?
    How we get along with and learn from our leadership filters down to the services we provide to children and families.
    Good post and thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Allison,

    I also wrote about my supervisor. It makes such a difference when you have the support and leadership we experience at work.
